Tips on Cleaning Up After Pets In San Diego

Dogs pee indoors. It’s a part of life that can become quite a nuisance if not dealt with. If your dogs urine isn’t entirely picked up off your carpet, you can expect your dog to do it again, marking their territory. Dogs use their urine to show other dogs dominance, so it’s in their nature to pee everywhere. Of course, if your dog is spayed or neutered, they won’t pee indoors at much, but it still happens every once and awhile. Below are some tips on how to prevent your doing from peeing inside your home.

  • Neuter or spay your dog, as this will reduce the amount that the dogs pee indoors.

  • Potty train your puppy as early as possible.

  • Distinguish right from wrong. If your dog pees outside, give them a treat. If they do their business in doors, correct them immediately.

  • Confine your dog to certain areas of your home, kind of like a baby.

Properly Cleaning Urine:

Clean up the mess as soon as possible! Extraction is key.

Clean-up mix:

  • Distilled white

  • Water

  • Spray bottle

  • White cloths/towels

  • Cold water

Pour about 4 capfuls of distilled white vinegar into a spray bottle filled almost 3/4 with water and gently shake. Extract the urine with the white cloths as much as you possibly can, using a solid blotting motion. Move the cloth to a clean piece of towel when a good amount of urine is soaked up. Get as much urine out as possible with the white cloth before you start spraying. Put the spray bottle against the carpet and generously spray the stain, and allow the solution to get into the carpet pad. Let the solution sit for a minute. Now pour the cold water onto the stain spot and blot it out just like the urine.

Cleaning Up Candy Stains In San Diego

If you have kids, then you know your kids just can’t seem to keep food in their mouths, especially candy! The worst place they can spill the candy is on your precious carpet. Candy contains a variety of dies and plenty of sugar to make it a hassle to get off carpets. If sticky candy lands on your synthetic or wool carpet, DO NOT just rip it off, as the carpet fibers will rip.

First of all, if you have a sticky piece of candy stuck to your carpet, you’ll need to scrape it off with something like a butter knife. Scrape off as much of the sticky candy off the carpet as you can. Once you’re done carefully scraping off as much of the candy as you can, continue the cleaning procedure by blotting the area with a wet paper towel. Next, you will need to use a clean cloth dipped in distilled white vinegar. The vinegar will help in dissolving the remainder of the sticky candy residue.

At this point, the candy should be removed from the carpet. You should then flush the newly cleaned patch of carpet with water, and just allow the area to dry at its own pace. Remember that store-bought house-cleaners can also help get off sticky candy stains. Once your kids get older, print out guidelines of how to clean spills/stains and slap it on their bedroom door!

Homemade Cleaning Solutions In San Diego

spring cleaning

Home cleaning solutions from the store can slowly bite away at your wallet. There are a couple of home cleaning solutions you can make yourself, probably with ingredients you already have, and all you have to purchase is a spray bottle that cost less than a dollar (unless you already have one).

Mix: 1 cup white vinegar + 1 cup of water.

With this mix you can clean bathrooms, counter-tops, floors and other exterior surfaces. If you’re going to use this mixtures for tougher exterior surfaces, like shower walls, you can heat the homemade cleaning solution until it’s a little hot. This will help the solution be more effective in breaking down the residue.

Mix: make a paste of baking soda + water

This mix can be used for tougher grime and mildew. Apply this paste to an exterior surface and leave it there for 10-15 minutes. This will soften the soap scum and mildew, making it easier for you to wipe away.

Another thing you can use baking soda for is slow-running drains. Pour about 1/2 to ¾ of a cup of baking soda into the drain, along with just the right amount of water to wash the solution. After 2 or more hours, flush the drain with hot water. Not only will this clean the drain, but it will also deodorize it! Baking soda is always a miracle worker of sorts, and this is just touching the surface of what baking soda can do.