Allergy Relief

Allergy Relief

Allergy Relief

Those lucky individuals out there without allergies look at the delightfully comforting beauty of springtime from an entirely different point of view; however,  springtime can also be the most miserable time of the year for those with allergies, as the beauty of springtime may not be enjoyed because of all the sneezing, runny noses, and coughing.  The anxiety that people with allergies experience is often not conveniently limited to the cycle of the seasons. Those who only have seasonal allergies can become just as sensitive to pet dander and concentrated foul odors; even dust particles as small as only a  single micron can be a monumental problem that will ruin a person’s day. Even the most miniscule presence of common mold and mildew can cause significant irritation and may possibly even be a hazard to your health.

If you fit into the large group of millions of Americans who suffer from various allergies, read these tips, and apply the knowledge appropriately for controlling four of the most common household troublemakers: pollen, mold, dust mites, and pet dander. Pollen is one of the worst triggers for allergies, and is the main cause for many allergic reactions. There are several ways to keep these pesky allergy triggering troublemakers from invading your home.

  • Keep windows closed at night to keep pollen from drifting indoors.

  • Hanging your clothes out to dry does produces a nice, fresh smell, but be cautious, as pollen can collect on items on  the clothesline, since they are left outside for quite some time.

  • If you’ve been outdoors, take a shower after you have gotten back into your home, in order to remove pollen that may have clung on to your skin and hair.

  • Work on maintaining a well-kept yard. Make sure your yard is free of troublesome weeds, such as nettle, dock, and ragweed. This can help reduce the amount of pollen that gets into your home.

Remember this: indoor mold, or fungus, feed on dampness and humidity. So once you see it, clean it!

  • Clean your bathroom tubs, shower stalls, curtains, and windowsills thoroughly at least every month with a reliable brand disinfectant to kill mold and mildew.

  • Use a dehumidifier during humid weather to reduce the spread of mold. If you can keep the humidity in your home below 50 percent, molds have less opportunity to thrive.

  • Remove carpeting from concrete floors, especially the basement, as build-up can and will occur.

  • Properly repair areas that may be water-damaged, such as roofs, basements, sinks, and pipes.

  • Carefully check your dryer vent to make positively sure that it is sending moist air outdoors.

  • Install exhaust fans, limit houseplants, use air purifiers, and get rid of old wallpaper.

Having some dust mite problems? Try these highly effective solutions listed below. These small insects are visible only by the aid of a microscope. Unknown to many, their droppings, and not the insects themselves, can create a huge allergy problem year-round.

  • Wash your bedding, including the mattress and pillow covers, in hot water every two weeks to insure they are clean.

  • Remove as much humidity as possible from your home; dust mites thrive on moisture, so levels greater than 50 percent are ideal.

  • Steam-clean rugs and carpets, because dry vacuuming just doesn’t do the job of picking up dust mites. The heat of the steam kills the dust mites while simultaneously cleaning the carpet.

  • Best solution: Cover your mattress, box springs, and pillows with allergen-proof covers and wash them regularly

We definitely love our pets; however, we do not love the allergies that can be associated with their dander (small scales from the skin or fur of an animal).

  • If you don’t want to keep your pet outdoors, consider at least keeping it out of your bedroom, so the dander they leave behind won’t be left in the place you spend at least a third of your day in.

  • Cat allergens can be the worst offenders. If you’d rather avoid medication, and don’t want to live without your feline friend, wash your pet’s bedding as often as possible. In addition, frequently vacuum living spaces where the cat spends most of his/her time.

  • Try dander-retardant products to treat your pet’s coat.

  • Bathe your pet regularly, and thoroughly, to make sure the dander will not be too abundant.