If you’re allergies are getting worse while in your home, the cause can be rooted to your vacuum. The problem may be that you’re not vacuuming your home often enough (once a week is the minimum) or your vacuum is an older model that needs to be upgraded.
If you have an older vacuum, it’s quite possible that the model you have may not be working as well as it used to. The older vacuum you have may be releasing more dust, dander and bacteria than it is removing. What happens with some of the older vacuums is that the vacuum will pull in the particles and dirt out of your carpet and release them back into the air. The efficiency of the vacuum really all depends on the brand and age. It’s been said time and time again, but you truly do get what you pay for. Tests show that older vacuums and cheaper models release most dust and bacteria back into the air.
In reality, all vacuums release at least some dust and bacteria back into the air, and there’s no escaping that. This doesn’t mean vacuuming is a bad thing to do; it’s still very effective and is one of the best things to do to reduce air borne particles and improve your home environment. The key is to use a well-reviewed vacuum made by a reliable brand. So if you have an older or cheaper model, shell out the money to upgrade your vacuum.
In addition, you can do other things to reduce dust and debris in your home, such as washing throw rugs in hot water, replacing carpet with wooden floors and cleaning behind your furniture. Also something to note: vacuums with HEPA filters perform nearly the same as vacuums without HEPA filters.